Our first fight.

We have been here about 4 months now, and only just had our first fight. Honestly, I’m surprised, I would have thought it would have happen a whole lot sooner than now…….

When we were in Australia and found out that we got the visa, we had to find somewhere to live. We did the Google thing and found 2 apartment complexes in Temecula. We sent them through to Opto and Bob (my boss) gave the task of finding a place for us to Barbara (one of the ladies that take order phone calls).
In sort order Barbara found that 1 of the places was really seedy and the other was very expensive. She found the Portofina Apartments. As you all know, this is the one we went with.
When we arrived we were amazed to see that the seedy place was just over the fence!! It was only a week or so and we saw just how seedy it was! Lots of moving in and out and just not a nice feel to it at all. To think we could have been living there was not a pleasant thought!

1:26am yesterday morning and I was woken up by our first fight next door….. Given the stories we have heard about the 2-3 murders that have taken place in the complex over the years, I lay awake wondering how it would end.
Thankfully, a few slammed doors and lots of shouting, it just seemed to settle down. Didn’t matter all that much, I was awake for the morning. Thankfully the rest of the family slept through.

Im very grateful to Opto and Barbara on a weekly basis for the housing they found for us!