Plans for the long weekend.

Its a long weekend here…..ok, ok, holiday weekend. (I might get used to calling it that some time…. Or not). The occasion is Labor day. We have Monday off, its a rare event, so after going back and forth and around and around, the family decided that they did not want to do any thing, or go anywhere…… So, I thought it would be the perfect chance to explore some more back roads and show some of the family some of the ground I have covered.
Saturday night is the Palomar Star Party. I am thinking about taking a run up there on the bike (I think that road would be amazing at night on the Goldwing) to get some photos of the guys and scopes under the stars. This is to contrast last month were I drove up with the car and had a pretty average 4 hour sesion. I am thinking of sticking with my usual star-scape type photos and want to go back to try it.
So, that might be ride number one, its the one in the most doubt at the moment.
Sunday, Freddy’s friend is heading down about 11am for a vist and sleepover, so I was going to go for a ride with Freddy in the morning, but she is undecided about that one.
If she pulles out. I will take the fork springs out on Sunday morning and change the fork oil as best as I can from the top (ie, dont take the front wheel off and drain them from the bottom).
Sunday afternoon/evening I hope to do a ~3 hour run with one of the kids.
Then Monday morning, if someone will get up with me, we will have a crack at the following trip………
Labor day route
If no one will get up MOnday morning, I will head off on my own.
Its pretty similar start and end to AWR #1. The main difference is the extension at Julian. I have read some nice things about Mt Laguna, so would like to check it out.
According to Google Maps, its a 5 hour, 231 mile (371km) round trip.
I should think that I will take a bit longer to do that since I want to try and force myself to stop and take photos more often. (Its a constant battle I have (note the comment on that link, 6th sentance down from 2 years ago), to stop and take photos, I just want to ride! You get in the grove and not even food will stop you (Just ask Mr Meat Pies aka Gary, about eating on the ‘Wing)).
Anyway, they are the three rides I have planed. Not sure how many will get done, I hope the Monday one at the very least.
The Sunday one has not been planed as yet, it depends on who comes with me and when.

So, I think that sets a new blog record….. the blog with the most number of links in it.