60 years ago today, but yesterday in Australia

Thats a pretty mixed up title for todays post… But you get that over here pretty often……

Let me explain………

60 years ago today, Edwin Hubble took the first official photos through the Hale Telescope. Please read about it on Scotts blog. (And dont forget to bookmark his blog and pop back once a week to keep up with whats been going on up on the mountain. Its sort of unofficial required reading for all the Docents. Besides which, Scott is a great writer of all things Palomar!)

Yesterday in Australia, but here today, it’s Australia day.
I really wanted to make some Auszi food to bring to work, but we had a pretty busy day yesterday and so by the time we got done with what we had to do it was about 9pm and I really did not want to start cooking at that hour. Perhaps next year.
Amy is wearing my Bundy Rum t-shirt to school. Not sure what Terry has planed. Probably nothing. I totally bailed on the food and clothing thing. I know, I am letting the team down a bit.
The only thing that I can say to try and make up for it was that Freddy and I ordered a bunch of food from the Australia shop over here and its due to arrive today. We got milo, custard power, cordial and a bunch of other things. So tonight will be a real Australia celebration in a house in Temecula.
I will blog the list of all the food we miss from over there, its surprising.
The list came about because cousin Jo wanted to know what food we missed, it got us thinking. She also asked what food from here we would miss if we went back. It was an interesting exercise to think about. (If I remember I will try and take a photo of our little food purchase before its all ‘et).
Anyway, its a day of history, both here and there…….
Well done Hale and Hubble.
Ozi Ozi Ozi Oi Oi Oi !!!!!