
So, uh… we just ran out of scheduled posts…..
This means I either have to tackle the backlog of stuff I want to share or I let the blog languish for a bit or I blog about what I am doing that is keeping me busy…. Is there a 4th option?

I have been at an old co-workers house since getting back from the canyon.
Freddy has been there for a week on her own – when we signed up to do the two week stint a few months ago there was no hint of the canyon thing, so we agreed since we would be at the house together.
It was a bit of a rough first week for Freddy on her own, the puppy is pretty crazy energetic.
Having me around is not much help on the dog side of thing, but more just another human to talk to.
We are back at our house tonight. For a week and a wee bit, then we are off to another house for a dog sit for just shy of a week.
Once we get back from that, we have my mate and his wife (and newish baby) come visit from Phoenix for 4 days.
All in a all, it turned out to be a really busy month.
Not complaining, just explaining why the blog is a little bumpy.

I took around 4671 photos while in the Canyon, so first order of getting home and on my photo editing computer is to get them uploaded and started to be sorted so I can see what edits are required.
Would love to thin that lot down to something like 100 of the best.

Our church has asked me to step up and get involved in the video editing of the church services. This will take a bit of a learning curve on some of the software, but is something I am happy to do.

I honestly thought I would start twitching after a day or so of being 100% off-line in the Canyon, but nothing of the sort happen. In fact, since getting back, I have not been all that active on social media, and am going to try and keep it that way…. In other words, let the time spent doing that flow into the photo and video editing rather than try and do both.

So, thats a bit of an update from this end of the world.
Work is going as usual. We are in the studio a little more than usual, have one video in the bank – connecting our controller to IBM IoT platform.
Just recorded another yesterday on temperature sensing – Our video guy is still editing that one.
Today I am working on a script for the next video.
The hope is that Terry is going to Intern at Opto for some of the summer and do my job while I keep cranking out videos.
Since Terry will be home for summer, I am sure there will be some drone adventures we will get up to, so yeah, busy times ahead…. Not sure how to blog it….