Week 3 Review.

Day 1. Benson was busy and I was tired, so I skipped the weights and went to the pool.

I have been wanting to add swimming into my routine for a little while, mostly because it is still really good cardio, but without the jolts of running…. I was right on both accounts. But wow, did it ever show up how unfit I really am. 12 minutes of actual swimming and I was had it.
I am not as comfortable reading the swimming data, but it shows that my heart rate was going up over the whole exercise, so that was good (and bad). We will visit it again. Sometime.

Days 2-5. 3m, 6m, 3m and 6m. Standard week. Standard runs. Did the trail on Wednesday and tacked some on the end. Was pretty tired at the end of it.
Did not eat enough before I ran and hit hunger flat a few miles in.

Day 7. 8 miles. Really smooth run. Very enjoyable. Only thing of note is that my wireless earbud fell out as I was adjusting it and it was a bit tricky to find.

Hard to say why, but I have a little pain behind the knee on my left leg Monday morning. Could be my IT band playing up, or it could have something to do with the fact that I spent about 5 hours going up and down a ladder Sunday replacing the garage door opener. Will keep an eye on it and am grateful that Monday is a cross training day.