20th Anniversary.

Yesterday, it was Freddys and I 20th wedding anniversary.
Last year we went and looked at some humming birds and had a little dinner on the deck of the apartments. The birds were amazing, but the view from the deck of the car park and garbage dumpsters was less than inspiring.

This year, we decided to up the view a little more, so we drove out to Indian Flats. Before the camp ground the road has some amazing views.
We parked off the road and had a little time together;

We got there just as the sun was going down
We got there just as the sun was going down
We sat, talked and enjoyed the view.
We sat, talked and enjoyed the view.
It was really cold, but the almost full moon was beautiful.
It was really cold, but the almost full moon was beautiful.
The sun set was amazing. Click on the pictures to see the bigger version.
The sunset was amazing. Click on the pictures to see the bigger version.
We then climbed into the back of the Rover and looked at the stars and counted satellites for long time.
We then climbed into the back of the Rover and looked at the stars and counted satellites for a long time.

The whole evening was just beautiful. It is so quite and peaceful out in the desert (and really cold!).
Thanks Freddy for the past 20 years. Its been a wild ride at times. Nether of us could have guessed when we started out that we would have ended up in America! I know for a fact that I could not have made it through the past 20 years with out you.