You go girl!

Big big big big deal yesterday.
Our little Amy graduated from high school. She done gone all growed up…..

I remember feeling all sick and shaky walking out of one of the meetings we had with her councilor at school not long after we first arrived… It was a mess and seemed that Amy was really up against the world. The school system here is just so brain dead and the school is all about attendance and money that they can not see any reason at all.
I have blogged about it before, so will leave it now, but the interesting thing is that at the time they (the all wise all knowing councilors) were all dark and grim about Amy ever graduating…..
I am super pleased to say that she stuck it to them and has graduated three months ahead of all her peers. Not only, but she was 7th in her year…. SO take THAT Temecula Valley High School!!!!

Calming down a little, I just wanted to publicly blog how proud of her I am and am looking forward to seeing her move on past this speed bump and starting a new chapter of her life.
You go girl!