To ACARS or not to ACARS?

I don't really have anywhere to talk about aircraft messaging, but I am not sure I want to talk about it on my personal blog.
Those that read this blog probably don't really wana hear about aircraft messaging systems and the headache that running a website about it entails.
The thing is, I have stuff to say about it and nowhere to say it... Which is to say, I probably need another blog platform. Somewhere that I can talk about just aircraft stuff and leave this one here to be about life.

I mostly put that picture of 'me' there because this is a new blogging platform, and I wanted to see how to put an image in the body of the post. It was actually pretty easy.
BTW, this platform is
I can't say I really love it, but compared to WordPress, it's a no-brainer. WordPress has lost its way.
On the fence about enabling comments here. That's another reason to find another (free) platform to blog about ACARS, I need feedback. The stuff I want to talk about needs #avgeek input, no point in asking questions that no one can answer.
But, my personal stuff, eh, if you want to comment, you know how to reach me.