Apples at it again.

Wrote this post back in mid November, but figure that none of my readers need this sort of info on the day. Let me know in the comments if you would prefer this sort of blog to happen at the time it comes to hand.

This is (just one of the many) reasons why I don’t like Apple stuff much.
When any company pulls this sort of thing…. Its a low blow….

Today after attempting to upgrade from Mavericks to Yosemite (officially, via the App Store) without any warning whatsoever the drive would no longer boot at all. It didn’t even get as far as fully installing Yosemite. I was very lucky in the end not to lose any data and it was purely by chance that I was able to boot it again, by swapping to USB 3.0 instead of Thunderbolt.

The problem is down to Apple having introduced a new “security feature” in Yosemite. Only kext drivers for official Apple SSDs are supported. Built in drives that Apple themselves use in your Macbook Pro Retina and some iMacs will upgrade just fine to Yosemite but if you have installed a third party SSD or more commonly are running off an external one, you’re out of luck.

Yuck. That probably totally wrecked a few projects, perhaps even some very lives of editors.

Love their hardware. I own a Mac Pro Tower computer. It runs Windows. Planning on dual booting it with Linux one day (so there Gary!).
Its a well built PC. Just not a fan of being locked into an ecosystem that can change the rules like that on you over night.