No Plink Plink

Freddy and I drove to Palm Springs the other day (last Sunday).
It was about 120 miles (193 kms) round trip. We did a big circle, went the scenic route there and the freeway grind back.
That’s only just over 1/2 the range BB can knock out, so we took the electric. Enjoyed every minute of the drive. Very quiet, very smooth.

What struck me however was in the garage straight after the drive, I had a moment to be in there looking for my tape measure and it struck me that normally after a long run (or any run that has fully warmed the car up) you hear a soft plink plink sound as the metal engine and exhaust cools and contracts…. Not so with BB. She gets warm, of course, but not that warm and it’s a totally different setup with a lot of aluminum housings rather than metal stuff.
Anyway, I just found it interesting.