Dual 365.

So, we are at it again.
2 days ago I started my second 365 Project of taking one photo a day for a year.
As you read a few days ago, I was thinking about what I could do as a 365 after finishing up my last one.
2 nights after posting that, Zim showed up to hang out, of course we got talking about photography. A month a go, Zim started his third (or forth) attempt at doing a 365, he openly admitted that after some 26 odd days he was struggling a bit. That got us talking about what it would take to keep him (us) motivated.
I flat out admitted that I would struggle with a stock standard 365. Having been there done that last year I did not really want to just do the same thing again. I said that I was more interested in learning how to see light and objects than taking the actual photo. This led us to talk about different ways to do that….. an hour latter we decided that a ‘themed’ 365 would keep us both interested.
2 hours after that, we both decided that a dual, themed 365 Project would be the best way to advance our respective photography goals.
For Zim, completing a 365. For me, taking 7 photos of the ‘one thing’ times 52 would help me think about what I am photographing.
Last year, I would be really disappointed if I used my phone camera, this year, it matters not. Its more about seeing the theme, trying to get my head around what I am trying to photograph, more so than the actual photograph. Of course I am going to pick up some new skills, refine some that are a just developing, and hopefully round me out a little more.
Bottom line, its not a competition, we are not competing for anything, or against each other in any way. You are the lucky ones that get to see two takes on 52 themes in a year. Simple as that.

So, the only thing left after that, was where to post the photos.
Dad, Gary and Dan, make sure you are sitting down…….
We needed a site that could handle a bit of traffic (Zim has a pretty solid social media presence), is easy to post to from our mobile phones and is easy for people to view the photos. (2 a day, every day for a year.. thats a few photos!)……
Yeah, so after about 4 hours talking it over, we settled on facebook….
Ok, ok. just calm down…. let me make this c-r-y-s-t-a-l clear… you DO NOT HAVE TO BE ON Facebook to the see the photos!!!!!!!
That was one thing I was really clear about. It had to be a public ‘like’ page. And so it its.
Just take a deep breath, click on the link and bookmark it… it will be ok. (I hope).
Anyway, thats the only place I will be posting my photos, knowing Zim he will be posting his photo other places…. thats up to him.

Right. Well. Hope you can bring yourself to follow along. Email me your comments to the photos if you have any.