Shrunk Expand

uranquinty – terry

24-27th January 2007

Ben and Terry ride to Matts (Uranquinty)

Terry and Ben ride to Uranquinty and back to spend a day and a bit with Matt.
The whole trip was fantastic!!!!!

We rode from Ballarat to Sheparton on Tuesday afternoon after work (Times like this are the one time when day light savings makes sense!). Taking back roads that Terry picked out, it was fantastic! The weather was perfect, the bike was running amazing super smooth, it was just a fantastic ride. We both really enjoyed it. The music and intercom was fantstic.


Leaving Ballarat we go out to Daylesford via Dean. From there we head up to Denver, then cut west and pop out at Tylden, then north to Kyneton. From there work your way to Heathcote via Langley and Redesdale. Then head north east and go through Costerfield and Grayton to Nagambie. We took a small, but very beautiful detour to the Goulburn Weir (watch out for the bridge, its an old wooden one with big (and I mean big!) gaps in the boards!) and up to Murchison. From there is was straight into Shep. Next morning, we left Shep and rode out to Dookie and Devenish, then head due north to St James, Tungamah and Yarrawonga. From there we head north to Savenake, then wiggle our way up to Oaklands and Urana, then its due east to Lockart, Tootool, The Rock and finally Uranquinty…..


On the way up from Shep, we took more back roads, I love taking my time to get up there each trip, it realy adds a great deal to the whole trip, it really helps relax you, and cleans out your mind. We stopped for a pee at some random tree, and I just had to catch Terry in the act, he saw me and freaked, ending up……spilling a little….. so he had to wash his hands……

clean up  ben and bike

Terry really wanted a photo of him crossing the Murray River. He looks like a little sumo guy in Bens jacket (Thanks again J&B for the jackets, they are really special!). This is the weir at Mulwala.

border runner!

Just love this country! And what better way to see it than on a Goldwing! The morning light turned up all the colors, many a time we heard a spontaneous “Wow” come over the intercom when we saw a beautiful view. Once again we did not stop enough to take photos, but we made more of an effort this trip.

check the view

We took some video with the camera on the way up, right click and save it, but WARNING! Its 37mb in size! (and not worth downloading!). Clearly I need to learn how to compress the size a great deal! (and improve the content!)

When we got up there it was the usual fun and games……

deck animi

Here is the link to a bigger one that you can step though (be sure and check out frame 10!)

We love the food up there! Matt and Amanda really look after their guests, the roast lamb was a huge hit with Terry.


On the way back, we rode down this beautiful road in Culcairn;

beautiful road

Terry wanted to try my balacarva, when he put the helmet on over it, it slid down over his eyes!

where am i

It was pretty funny!

Here is the last two photos…taken at lunch time.

lunch   lunch

All in all it was one of the best trips up ever! Thanks Terry and Matt!

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