Packing for the trip.

The kids are on their way to camp. The weather is a beautiful 33°C and we are just getting the bike packed ready to leave tomorrow night.

Plan is to leave work at 4:30pm as usual, leave the apartment at 5pm and get to our hotel around dusk (8:30pm). Leave when we are awake and mozy up to Pams parents forest retreat before lunch.

Not sure if we are going to break the ride up on the way back, or do it in one hit.

Arizona trip. July 4th 2008

(Right click on it, and select ‘View Image’ to see it full size).
Here is the link to the Google maps page this picture was taken from.
You will be able to pan it around and zoom in.
Point “E” is where we are going to spend the night on the way up, and point “G” is where the forest is that we are going to be staying in the log cabin at. Sean and Pam live at point “F”, so its about an hour past their home. Our actual route may vary, we will post the GPS data when we get back.

Were going to make it a 4 day weekend, so you all have yourself a super Independence day holiday (or not), and we will blog at you when we get back.