Sea Kayaking.

Thanks to Jason and Brittany (again), Freddy and I got to do a rather different (for us) activity….. We went sea kayaking.
It was nothing like what either of us thought it might be, and we both enjoyed it a huge amount.
You start off at a beach, hopping into the kayak and paddling to get out through the waves. From there is a matter of just paddling at a leisurely pace to keep with your guide. The whole area is a marine park and the guide is telling you about the different aspects of the park and the fish you can see swimming under your bright orange kayak.
The main point of the tour is to go and look at some caves that can only be accessed from the sea.
It was a lot of fun feeling the swell and I am pleased to say that neither of us got sea sick. Jo and Terry were on another kayak with us, and unfortunately they both got a little queasy in the middle of the tour, but once we got to go in the cave, they seem to settle down….. Speaking of Jo, she was the only one to have the fore-thought to get all of us a pair of gloves and thus save us from painful hands for the rest of the conference! Well done Jo!
It was really neat to see all the different kinds of fish swimming around us, and it gave me a huge urge to do some snorkeling again as soon as the weather warms up again. (I still would like to try scuba as well).
The best was when we saw the tiger sharks swimming along the bottom of the ocean. They were so smooth in their motions.
There are sandstone cliffs along the coast and its in these that the caves have been made by the action of the waves.
We got to go into one of them, and it was great to see the little nooks and cranny’s that have been etched by the sea over the years. The sound of the ocean in the cave was beautiful as well.
The trip back to the beach was more exciting for some than for the 4 of us (thankfully, the water was REALLY cold).
A few of the group got dumped out and thus totally soaked.

Freddy had such a good time that she wants to get some kayaks to put on the roof of the RV we are (never) going to buy.
It sure was relaxing way to spend the afternoon.