Welcome back Buninyong weather.

I am very excited to anounce that thanks to the not insignificant efforts of Tom, we have Buninyong weather back on the site!!!!!!!!!
To celebrate, I have given the site a bit of a color tweak.
Tom is finding that weather-display software is abit of a handful, so it will be up and down a little, but he’s got most of the bugs sorted.
I am looking forward to some how getting the word back out to the locals, and getting back up into the Google ranking. We were on the first page for a long time, Im sure we will be able to get back there before long.

Tom had to buy a weather station, the software and get it all connected, hes also up’ed his internet strength, so, like I said, its a lot of effort, and money. All in the name of free weather data for you the end user.

Tom, thanks a lot. Its great to have the home town weather back on the site.