Electric mountain bikes are a real thing

I know Gary has a set of electric bikes. I love mine so much I brought it with me from Australia (have not hooked batteries to it since I got here, but that’s probably the topic for yet another blog)…. I was interested to read a bit more about how hard core not just electric bikes are becoming, but specifically electric mountain bikes.


E-mountain bikes are rarities in the US today, but they’re spreading just as they did in Europe, said Claudia Wasko, who leads the North American e-bike systems group for Bosch, the dominant maker of e-bike batteries and motors. “The market in the US is five to 10 years behind,” she said.

Plenty of consumers are already convinced. E-bike sales should grow to $24.4 billion by 2025, up from $15.7 billion in 2016, analyst firm Navigant predicts.

Thats some serious money…. I guess people like hobbies and recreation. Old guys that have good jobs and empty nests that want to get back out there, but don’t have the fitness….

Anyway, go read it if you are interested.
I think the takeaway for me is that electric bikes are growing up. They are bringing more of a common everyday thing. They will come down in price. People will have one in the garage and pull it out on the weekends.

I know I want one, but not at 6 grand…. will just have to wait another few months.