Small moves Elle, small moves…..

Im a pretty healthy guy, usually only get a little crook once or twice a year, and now that I have had my hayfever shots I am even better…, try and imagine my annoyance when we have 4 days off (xmas) and I get a ripper head cold that leaves me in bed!!

Anyway, while it seems that nothing is happening, I have to remind myself that things are progressing, really they are.

I bought a little MP3 player 2nd hand, seems it will do the job, its 2Gb, its a movie player and photo viewer as well, but the tiny 1.6 inch screen really is useless on the bike for that sort of thing, so I filled it with assorted music. It also has an FM radio in it.

I think I might have temporarily fixed the alternator bolt hole oil leak thats been anoying me for some time now. I found that the nylon plug that I machined up was not covering the whole crack, so I used some two part “metal” epoxy to fill the crack. Then, I also figured that perhaps the crank case pressure was pushing on the plug and was causing the silicon to flex. I made up a plate that jams between the show chrome bolt and the rear drive housing. Then, I put 3 large washers on the back of the plug, this way it has pressure over the whole plug….. Using some “oil resistant” black silicon to hold the whole thing in, we will see how we go.

Have started to try and collect parts for the trailer……watch this space (and a dedicated web page as well)……

(The title of this blog comes from the movie Contact….if you have not seen it, go hire it)