First attempts of land boarding……

There is a new video on the kite page (at the bottom). No music or snazzy editing because I like it raw this time.
Its our first attempts of land boarding.
Yes, Planet Amy is going to change her video technique for the next attempt, she has seen what she got and has learned a great deal.
Turns out that it really was too windy for total newbies like us……..
We are going to put some straps on the board, but not until we get a bit (just a little bit!) of coordination happening. We are also going to make the board longer (so I can stand on it with my big feet and not hit the wheels!)

Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Keep an eye out on Terrys feet, he spends more time in the air than whats obvious.
Also listen to the tone in Amys voice as Terry goes past her, its pretty funny.

Kite page with new video at the bottom.
Keep flying!