Ok, I give in.

April 9th, 2008
About the last thing to do is to get our drivers license. (The kids had their first day at school today (more on that one when I get to talk with them about it)).
So, I’m told the thing to do is to go to the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) web site and make an appointment to take said written and driving test.
Here is the clanger…… In order to make the appointment, you have to have a driving permit!!!!!!!!
So, to be clear, in order to make an appointment to take a driving test, you have to have a driving license………
Ahhhh, zees Americians…… they a funny bunch…….
(Freddy is going to go down there tomorrow and stand in line to ask the obvious question….we will get it sorted, I have no doubt, we just have to see how many hoops we have to jump through to get the doing done).

Work is about to get interesting…. I have been doing a few of the pre-sales emails, but since Tom is going to Jordon next week, we’ve decided that the Spanish training group is not the best place for me to be spending time, so I will be taking over the phone while Tom is getting a tan. Should be fun, I’m really looking forward to it, but I’m very nervous… Yeah, I know, but thats how I feel and nothing you can say will make me change my mind, give me a few days and I’m sure I will settle down……
I hear the Spanish class is going to Hooters for lunch on Monday…. Think I might have to tag along for that, just to make sure Rene is Ok of course…..
The other thing I have been working on at work is something that Nick will get a chuckle out of. I have a small dot matrix sign in my cubicle, its hooked up to an Opto22 controller. I have been programing it from scratch to be able to draw symbols and letters on it from a graphical interface, and then scroll them on the LEDs…..Good fun. I am getting some more gear to play with next week….wont be long and my cubical will look like my old study, which is just as well, as at the moment its way to clean and I don’t have a study any more!!!!