Weather and links.

April 18th, 2008 
There is no weather here. Thats the conclusion I have come to after about a month here….. As one of my friends here said, “It’s just different degrees of perfect”.
That really sums it up. 20 to 26°C, clear blue skies and light winds, its just like being in paradise.
Since we are not going to have our station up for some time (months and months), I have asked around and there are two local sites that are worth checking out.
The first is my personal favorite, it uses Weather-display software, its got lots of info on it (radar and earthquakes), and its about as live as you can get. Not only that, but its run by one of the guys in the IT department here at work. So, be sure and check out
Hemet weather.
(A few things, make sure you open it in a new tab or window, and also look on the left side, you can customize it for wide screens and change the color, pretty neat!)

The other site is in down town Temecula. Its more for the general public, not your hard core weather geeks. Still, its worth a look, so check out Temecula weather.

We are in LA all weekend for church, so there will not be much blogging going on…. Have a great few days and we will be back next week.