Im confused, where is home?

So, we got back from Thanksgiving (blog coming about what we did/where we went) and there was a FedEx package on the doorstep. Turns out that we need to go back to Australia (Sydney) to apply for another visa.
So, we have been super stressed and busy getting all this lined up. There are medical, police and visa documents that need to be arranged and that has really taken some time and effort to do.
So, anyway, we fly out in about 5 hours to San Fransisco, three hour stopover, then non-stop to Sydney.
From there, it gets a little messy, so I will leave it for another time.

In regard to this blog’s subject, I have always looked at this blog as a kind of ‘letters to home’ and a bit of a journal that we look back over now and again….. so what to do now? Am I writing to home (Aust) or home (USA)? Where is home? Where do I belong? Who am I? When will I be back? Where will I be back to?
This trip is really doing a number on my head.

So, my internet connectivity will be spotty at best, I will try and blog when I can….. Until then……

Chow for now.