Watching a movie with Terry.

Last year we gave Terry an iTouch… to be totally correct, we gave Terry an ipod itouch…. Anyway, as you may know you can surf the web on it. The Safari browser is actually pretty good, but don’t get me started about the merits of the different web browsers.
Point is, he can surf the web, and as mentioned in the past, he is pretty good at getting answers for very little work….. this now has extended to watching movies with him and his itouch…….

It goes something like this………. “Wow, that’s a nice looking car just now, wonder what it is?”
5-8 seconds latter, Terry pipes up with the answer.

“Ooo, check out that guys watch, I wonder what that sells for?”
5-8 seconds latter, Terry pipes up with the answer.

“See that guy in the back, what other movies has he been in?”
5-8 seconds latter, Terry pipes up with the answer.

And so on. Its like watching two or more movies at the same time. I have not decided if I like it or not, however at least now I KNOW that I can not afford the car or the watch!