Blog Nav

My Dad asked a really good question the other day…..
He noticed that some of my blogs get a little long and push older entries off the page, he wanted to know how to get back to them… so here then is a run down on how to navigate my blog.

1. Hover or click on the blue dates on the calender.
Each blue date is a day that I have blogged on, if you hover over them with your mouse, there is a little pop up that shows the title of the blog for that day. Click on the month at the bottom of the calender to move through time a little quicker.
2. Some times I link to other blog entries in my blog, the clickable links show up in blue.
3. Use the search. For example, put the word mega in the search will show up the three mega blogs I have done, which brings me to the last point……
4. If you search for mega and scroll down, you will see that it gets chopped off. This is because the blog is just embeded in my site and I have to put a limit on the window length. If you open the blog in its own window, you dont have this problem.
To open the blog in its own window, just right click on the title or banner ‘Blog of a bald geek’ and select ‘open in new window’ or ‘open in new tab’ (depending on which browser you use). If you have a center click mouse, you can just middle click on the banner as well.

Thanks for the question Dad, hope that gets you what you were looking for. If not, just ask my clock.