Took my usual week off for the church thing we do at this time each year.
It went pretty well. Took around 1500 photos. Less than I thought I would (We had about 150 more people this year over last).
You can check them out here;
So now its just a matter of getting through a weeks worth of emails and once that’s done, it will be back to ‘normal’.
In regards to the rest of life, not much going on, the house is pretty settled, so there is only a few little projects to finish (like move the BBQ and figure out how to cover the little patch of dirt where it is currently sitting, which I would like to do before winter).
I want to get our sprinklers on Opto so I can control them a bit easier, so that would make a nice rainy day project.
There are a few movies coming out we want to see, more on that once we get to them…..
So yeah, not much happening. It will be nice to be pottering around rather than going hard like we have been.