
It’s that time of year again gentle reader. Spring.
We put our clocks forward an hour last night.
So. Once again there are 6 hours between us. Least until you lot fall off DST.

Spent the day tinkering in the garage with the Smart Car. Gave her a big wash inside and out.
Also remounted the radar detector from the bottom of the dash to the top of the review mirror….. I was sick of the power lead draped over the dash.
Blacked out the boot LED strip light.
Also changed up the Android gauges….. The old style was getting to small for me to see. (Yeah, I’m getting old, but also with the start of summer the sun washes out the screen. Why can’t they make a phone that you can see in full sun????)

Pretty good day. Nice to get stuff done that has been bothering me for a bit.