Lots (and lots) of Internet traffic

Hey Dan, brace yourself mate….. (You too Gary).


According to the 10th annual Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Forecast, annual Internet Protocol (IP) traffic will triple between 2014 and 2019, when it will reach a record 2 zetta bytes. Factors expected to drive traffic growth include global increases in Internet users, personal devices and machine-to-machine (M2M) connections, faster broadband speeds, and the adoption of advanced video services.

Cisco said “It took 32 years –from 1984 to 2016 –to generate the first zettabyte of IP Traffic annually. However, as this year’s Visual Networking Index forecasts, it will take only 3 additional years to reach the next zettabyte milestone when more than 2 zettabytes of IP Traffic annually in 2019.

For what it’s worth, I totally agree. We are all hooking up more devices to the Internet, it is not slacking in the numbers. Not. One. Little. Bit.

For example, my mate Matt is counting the days when he can get hooked up to the NBN. Why? Because he wants to ‘triple’ his throughput. In other words, he wants to (primarily) download more stuff faster.
Matt and I are already talking about what other video cameras and automation gear we can put at his place once he gets a ‘real’ Internet connection…. My point is, we are all ‘responsible’ for this growth in Internet traffic.

How we pay for the infrastructure to support it is beyond the scope of this blog, but somewhere, somehow, we are all going to pay……..