Mixed bag. Some of some of them are Ok. Bit long and boring in a lot of it.
Careful taking young kids to see them.
Pirates of the Caribbran 1,2 and 3
Junk. Total junk. Complete waste of time.
No plot, boring stunts, confusing dialog and pointlessly endless.
The Prestige
Wow. See this movie. Stop surfing the web, ride your bike to the video shop and see this movie.
Its a real brain bender.
Extremely recommended.
The Illusionist
At first I was a bit worried that the movie was going to be a bit “dark” (the first sean shows the guy calling up a spirit), but Im glad that my friends were there to keep me going because it turns out to be a great movie.
Its based around a love story, so that keeps the girls sucked in, and the illusions keep the guys hooked.
Great movie, highly recommended.
As I understand the movie is based on a real event, and is some what accurate.
Its been shot in front of a blue screen, so a lot of effects can be added latter on, and a lot were, from the weather to massive army’s.
I don’t want to give too much away, but its a movie about how 300(ish) Spartans held off 150,000 Persians for about 3 days.
The movie has lots of blood in it, so just keep that in mind when you are choosing if you want to see it.I found its style a bit hard to get into at first, but soon found it rather compelling.
I’m not sure I would go straight to “I enjoyed it”, but, yeah, its up there with some of the more interesting movies I have seen…..its pretty memorable.