• The Illusionist

    At first I was a bit worried that the movie was going to be a bit “dark” (the first sean shows the guy calling up a spirit), but Im glad that my friends were there to keep me going because it turns out to be a great movie.

    Its based around a love story, so that keeps the girls sucked in, and the illusions keep the guys hooked.

    Great movie, highly recommended.

  • 300

    As I understand the movie is based on a real event, and is some what accurate.

    Its been shot in front of a blue screen, so a lot of effects can be added latter on, and a lot were, from the weather to massive army’s.
    I don’t want to give too much away, but its a movie about how 300(ish) Spartans held off 150,000 Persians for about 3 days.
    The movie has lots of blood in it, so just keep that in mind when you are choosing if you want to see it.

    I found its style a bit hard to get into at first, but soon found it rather compelling.
    I’m not sure I would go straight to “I enjoyed it”, but, yeah, its up there with some of the more interesting movies I have seen…..its pretty memorable.