Here is one that I took when we were out and about with Zim…….
Hope you like it. I do.

In training this week, so keeping busy at work.
Docent training last weekend and this weekend, so keeping busy there as well.
Two of the guys in the training class rode their bikes (Harleys) down from Utah, so it was the least I could do to take them around the loop…….
They loved it. Like, really, really loved it. They both said it was the best road they had ever ridden. I was pretty chuffed to be able to show them.
Kind of made me think about how lucky I am to live so close to such roads….. Also made me think about how long its been since I have gone for an after work ride. Hate to say it, but daylight saving is pretty good for something….. providing some light for rides after 5pm for example.