Week 1. Day 1

I have always wanted to run the length of a full marathon. (Not an actual marathon, too many people).
42.2 kms
26 miles.

We have run a few halfs and always enjoyed them. Figured now is as good as a time as any to start training.
I am going to follow the Hal Higdon method. Basically you just ebb and flow the miles slowly building up the distance. He has a few plans and I picked one of the intermediates to follow. The only change I am going to make is to swap Friday for Saturday (For obvious reasons).

I wanted to have my fitness devices in place before I started so I could track my progress, but since CES is this week and I am not 100% happy with what I have or what my choices are, I am going to hold off and just go with the fitbit and Strava for the most part.
We will blog about this topic in due course.

So. Week 1 Day 1.
Cross. This means anything other than running. Today, I will be doing free weights with Benson after work in the gym. If that does not work out, then I will see about hitting the HOA pool after work and doing some laps.
Basically anything to get my cardio up, but not stress my legs.