Walnut video is done.

David has been hard at work for a few months now, and the work has paid off.
We can finally show the results of our trip up to Northern California a few months back, the walnut case study video!

Opto 22 Case Study: Fedora Farms

Its a big deal for me as it was the first case studio video shoot I have ever been on.
Also we used my Canon 5Dmk2 for some of the B-roll footage,  and also because it was the first time I have ever used a steady cam.
Im pretty proud to say that a good whack of my footage made the grade and is included in this video. (That said, a huge amount of my footage was not useable, got a lot to learn about shooting B-roll and the steady cam).
If you look with the knowledge that those shots that are both panning and booming up or down are my efforts you can pick them. (If its just panning and or zooming, those are Benson’s, he shot from a tripod using the Sony cameras).
The editing is such an important aspect to the overall feel of the end result. It has been pretty cool to be in the studio while David put the finishing touches on it.

I’m just about done editing my first OptoMinute video. I will throw it up here when its done for sure.
Its a pretty steep learning curve, we are using Adobe Premiere Pro, but I am really enjoying it and am looking forward to doing more and more.
The plan is for David to keep doing the case study video’s, i.e. the heavy lifting, and I focus on the 1-2 minute videos.
Suits me (and my short attention span) just fine.