We are off to Texas

We have a eairly afternoon flight, so we are leaving mid morning……between the freeway traffic, the returning the rental car, the shuttle bus to get us back to the airport, the finding the right terminal and the check in, we need to allow plently of time, I DO NOT want to miss this flight!
They tell us that we will need our passports to check in on the flight….an internal flight in the USA, and we need our passports….Ah, the post 911 world, I feel so much safer….or not.

Had a great day at church yesterday, really nice dinner with friends last night, it was a great day.

I got photos of the car, just need some time now to get them off the camera, and get them resized and posted here, might get time at my Uncles…..

I still have not been anywhere near a Goldwing shop, so am getting a little more than keen to get that done!

Ok, we are off, Blog some more from the state of Texas!


P.S Sorry DaveW, been meaning to let you know that we got your shoes and hat just fine. MattW, no size 14’s yet, but we ain’t done looking.
MattB, great to chat yesterday, who’s going to do the soldering on the throat mike? Not you I hope! 😉