Mountains and stars.

May 3rd, 2008
My sister (thanks for the kind words about the blog Sue) reminded me that I had not posted anything about our trip up the mountains that I was excited about……..
Guess I got sidetracked with the traffic…… Anyway, it was a nice day, not worth getting up at 3am, but nice……..
You drive out of town and it pretty soon gets into a bit of a run down section. Not really developed, not really empty, not new, not old, its odd sort of feel. Before you get too carried away with that you find yourself in down town Hemet. Nice little place, lots of wide streets and all the shops you would ever need.
Before you know it,  you have entered your first sweeping bend and the nose of the car points up!
Here is where we really have to slow down, puke boy in the back soon announces that he turning green……
Never mind, we were not in a hurry anyway…….. It was fun watching the altitude signs on the side of the road go up and up, we passed the 5000 foot one and soon found ourselfs in Idyllwild. Its a nice little mountain community, lots of quirky little shops and the place is just throbbing to the sounds of motorbikes. Clearly it was the place to ride to on a Sunday morning!
Here is where it gets a little hard for me as there was a 1997 Goldwing for sale out the front of one of the shops, it was in perfect condition, very low miles, and had it been blue rather than red, I would have caved I think.
Anyway, we walked around the shops, did not buy anything, did not take any photos (remember it was a recon trip) and had a very pleasant morning. It was nice and cool up in the mountains and a beautiful breeze was blowing. It was nice to just forget about most things and just hang out.
On our way out of town we saw a road side stand where the guys were carving bears out of logs with chainsaws. We stopped and watched for a little while, Freddy was really interested in it.
From there we wanted to take the back way home so we did not do the same roads there and back. The back way was a lot straighter, up till I decided we take a turn that took me down a road I was interested in seeing….. It was a twisty road on the map, I though that meant mountains. It turned out to be the most amazing motorbike road I have every seen. Not so much mountains as hills, but the road was one of THE MOST demanding roads I have every driven. I am glad (for the first time in ….. well, ages) that we had puke boy in the car, he kept me slow enough that I was able to keep the car on the road. I so wish I could ride that road on my old bike, it would be so much fun! I would love to ride it every day twice a day! I could do it for years and not get board. I am seriously going to drive it with Freddys camera on a tripod in time lapse mode so you can all get a feel for it. Wont be as good as a video camera on the bike, but it will give you a taste.
From the end of that road, we were pretty much home.
It was a nice day, we are going to try and go back the long straight way, longer, but we think smoother, so we might even get there quicker. We will let you know.

I finally got time to do a MAJOR photo upload. So be sure and check out the albums.
There is a few new ones and some new photos in some of the old ones.
Have fun viewing them, and we are looking forward to telling yous about our weekend (after its over!).