Quick Update.

Just a real quick update, we are wrapping up the trade show stand and will head to the airport in an hour or so.
Been a really busy but worthwhile few days.
Spoke with a zillion people, not a bad effort for an introvert? No doubt about it, the energy market is hot and happening.
Looking forward to getting home and getting back into the usual routine (like uploading a photo a day and eating Freddys cooking).

Right, need to get off the computer and put it in its box for the trip home.

Long weekend when we get back, Monday is Memorial Day, so work tomorrow, but then some extra play time after that. (Want to get the humming bird camera back up, take Zim for a day trip and see about preping the bike to sell…. along with all the usual stuff and would like to slip a movie or two in (I think I have to take Terry to the theater to see the Sands of Time as well)).

Chow for now.