167 miles.

Our mate Robert came over to the really big island from his current digs in Hawaii to spend some time with his friends in San Diego and us in Temecula.
Robert is a large format film only landscape photographer, so we have a good deal in common. We met him in Australia years and years ago when he came out for a church convention. He fell in love with the country and came back a bunch of times, so we got to see him every year for many a year.
Once we moved over here however, our paths crossed a lot less, so it was great to catch up with him again.
Since hes into all things landscape and loves the back country, Freddy and I planed to take him on a bit of a jaunt when he got out here…. The timing could not have been any better with the area getting a record dump of snow the day before.
We took him out to Indian Springs, one of our favorite places as most of you would know, then over the back to Borrego Springs, also a fave.
We went on a real short walk up one of the many canyons and saw some beautiful wild flowers. Freddy and I are real excited to go back there as soon as we can and do some more walking.
From there (and after a beautiful Freddy lunch on the tail gate of the Rangie) we drove up into the back of Julian and saw two things…. The most snow ever, over 2 feet of it, and the longest line of stopped traffic… about 5 miles… people wanting to sight see!!! So glad we went in the back way, we sailed right past it!

Anyway, had a fantastic day, came home to a good feed and a warm fire to check out Roberts 4” x 5” film camera and feel totally in love with it.

Thanks for heading over Robert and spending the day with us. Looking forward to catching up again some time soon.

(You can see the photos from the day on in my photo album).