Slept through it.

Sydney man. Personally, I am not a huge fan. Too many people.

But, as you have read in the past few blog entries, one of the things I am pleased about is that the room I am in is pretty quiet. Sure, there have been some noisy parties in some near by hall, but for the most part, its a quiet room…..
That said, I have come to relies that its not just the room…… I am not having my usual nap in the back of the Rangie at lunch time, the job is pretty stressful, there a ton of people going flat out around me all day, and they are long days……

Speaks the truth

I think I am getting home and crashing into bed around 8:30 each night. Some times earlier.
Sometimes I am up before my usual 4:30am alarm, sometimes not.

Anyway, what was it that lead me to consider that perhaps I am sleeping soundly rather than just having a quiet room?
This little event here……
Now, just in case the link goes down, here is the summery of the event…..
“Streets around a major Sydney hospital were locked down for five hours after an alleged armed robber fired shots at police and scaled the fence of the Chinese consulate.

The drama at Camperdown, in the city’s inner west, began when two men, aged 27 and 32, tried unsuccessfully to rob the Alfred Hotel on Missenden Road shortly before 1.30am (AEDT) on Friday.”

Um, this is over the road from where I am staying…. No really, its just over the road! If I look out my window, I can see the hotel!
I never knew a thing until I tried to go to work…..
Who knew, but apparently when the police search a building and they are happy the bad guy is not in there, they zip tie the doors shut from the inside… such was the greeting I got when I tried to get out and go to work.
Ended up having to do some parkour and jump off a balcony to get out!
Once out, it was like I was in a movie, there were police everywhere! Whole streets blocked off, there were scores of them!

Never heard a thing.

Oh, and I slept through the new years fireworks too.

Introverts. Deal with people all day. Sleep all night.
We are not broken. Do not try and fix us.