Never too cold. Never.

I rang my sister out of the blue the other day.
Needed to know what ingredients Mum put in her coleslaw…… (Freddy was making one to take to a church pot luck).
We got talking a bit how life was going for each of us and of course, Sue being in summer and outback Australia and me being in winter in semi-desert Southern California, we soon got to comparing temperatures…..

I was telling Sue how much I was enjoying the car, it was not two wheels, but it was the most bike like experience I have had since selling the bike.
Not that she did not believe me when I told her that I even drove with the top down in the frost, but she made the usual request ‘photos or it never happen’.

So, no photos of me, but here is the car in the car park at work.
The mornings are so clear, its just beautiful driving with the top down.
In fact, over the 20 days I have owned the car, its safe to say that every single time I have driven it, the top has been down some or all of the time.


I have found that its warmer with the top all the way down, and not just open like a sun roof.


The only down side is that the stock stereo is not really loud enough at free-way speeds, a fault I am saving to rectify.