My next phone does not exist. Yet.

Since my contract is up around July this year (2 years really is too long), I was keeping an eye on any of the announcements at the start of the year.
One really caught my eye…..

I think this will be the heart of my next phone/tablet (yes, believe it or not, but I am really leaning toward getting a fat phone, a phablet).
Even if I have to wait a few months, I would rather wait with what I have than fold and get something that is already a year old (given that I will be on another 2 year contract).
Its pretty impressive that its really on the past 4-5 months that I have been really feeling the need to upgrade… For example, I cant run the latest Opto software because my phone is not at a high enough version to run it.

If all this is mumbo-jumbo to you, then don’t panic, just know this, phones and tablets are getting faster and more powerful than laptops of even a few years ago.
Crazy stuff.

I love technology and gadgets and I know how to ride a skateboard.