6 Months latter – what’s the future?

Ok, I think I am done with blogging 100% about IoT.

I have been blogging about iot and only iot like a mad man…..
We came up for air last a few weeks back while in Denver and thought ‘What am I doing with this blog?’.

Going back to October 2014, I found the blog post that started it all (just after my trip back home to Australia);
Back then I said;

With regard to this blog, I had a chat to my mates over there and they all gave me a bit of a different view on the blog with one common thread…….. They all said they enjoy reading what I am up to.
So, with that in mind, I will be blogging (well, plan to blog) a little more free and lose…. Rather than ‘waiting’ till I have a structured blog in mind and take some time to get it together, I am going to try and just blog stuff as it happens. Less structured, less formatted, more of a live brain dump.
The conciseness among my mates is that you all like different aspects of what we are up to and you are more than happy to do the censoring, long or short, tech or lifestyle, whatever I blog, you guys assure me you will sift it and pick the bits that interest you, but you want the tap opened a bit more.

I guess that’s what I have been doing, but it seems to have turned away from what I am doing, to what I am interested in doing.
They are not really the same thing.

In fact, I think the blog, like IoT, has become rather noisy. Me shouting into a vacuum, just another noisy news aggregate. A guy with an opinion and an internet connection.
When I Googled opinion, I found this; “a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty”.

That’s me right there. I do not have complete certainty on any of this IoT stuff, so why am I screaming about it?
Who am I screaming to? What action do I want them to take as a result of my screaming?
See to me, it’s one thing to talk about IoT, and another to have the tone of doing something about it. I don’t think I was either.

So, 6 months latter, now what?