Seismograph – Part 2

We will get back to the topic of urban noise in another blog… This blog is all about what does an earthquake look like on my RaspberryShake?

Sadly, because I have been so focused on cleaning up the urban noise, I have not been 100% diligent in taking screenshots and noting down the quakes that I have seen, so here are the few I have….

This is from a different bit of software that I can run at my house.
The plot is from the Pi and it is a small quake off the coast of San Francisco. I don’t remember what magnitude it was. Something around M2 from poor memory.

This is the M5.6 in Montana the other day.
This screenshot also shows very clearly why I want to reduce the urban noise, it makes recording the quakes a lot clearer.
This quake is a bit interesting as it shows a bigger rumble after the quake started.

This is the big M7.8 at the Solomon Islands a while back.
I really like this trace as it clearly shows the P-Waves that come (not always, but usually with the big ones) some time latter, this is the quiver of the planet from such a big shake.
The P-Waves actually come through the planet, not over like the quake.
These P-Waves are important for us to understand lots of different parameters of the quake and the planet.

I hope I get time to list some nice resources that are out on the web about all these different waves and why they matter.
I never was much for geology at school, but this thing has me all excited to learn stuff that just never made sense back then.

This one shows a very small quake (M1.6 from memory) just down the road from us at The Salton Sea.

Last one….. As I was writing this blog, I looked at the current trace and it shows three perhaps four quakes…. I have never seen that many in one hit. Just amazing on the timing.
They are all small ones, M1.48, M1.3 and M1.18 in Northern California.
But, it beautifully shows the range of quakes that I can see from my back yard. it shows how well and very interesting the device is.

As I said, its one of my favorite Kickstarter projects. I think now you can get a bit of a sense why.

BTW, The guys have another project in the works at the moment, the new one has more features and is more expensive. I would love to back it, but just don’t have the money.
Thankfully they are going to pass down to us as many of the software features as they can, one of which I am most excited about, and that is an email feature. I will automatically get an email when my sensor picks up a quake. That will make having the system a lot more exciting.