• Category Archives Computers
  • Imagine a life with no computers……ahhhh……bliss…..

  • Light Paper

    This company has figured out a way to ‘print’ paper that glows white when you put power into it.


    How would you use light if it was paper-thin and could be applied to any surface anywhere? When Rohinni CMO Nick Smoot asked me that question, I was pretty stumped at first.

    But he’s already figuring it out. That’s because Rohinni has developed a form of what it calls Lightpaper. It’s a way to print lighting and apply it to nearly any surface, in any shape, and for any situation.

    “With Lightpaper it’s more of a platform of light that we don’t even know how it’s going to be used,” explains Smoot. “All we know is that we’re trying to unlock the ability to create light.”

    Loved that they themselves have no idea what to do with it….
    Sounds a lot like a solution looking for a problem….

    Its a little light on details like how much voltage, how much power, or how much light is emitted. I would like some answers to that before I got too excited.
    That said, I suspect they can do more than just white and so I could see in due course, if it was cheap, we could use some for mood lighting around the house.

  • Big Data key terms

    Great breakdown of some of the key terms used when talking about Big Data.


    The field of Big Data requires more clarity and I am a big fan of simple explanations. This is why I have attempted to provide simple explanations for some of the most important technologies and terms you will come across if you’re looking at getting into big data.

    He does a great job of just that.

  • JavaScript for IoT devices

    Ok, super technical link here…. You have been warned….


    When designing Tessel, we grappled with some very unique constraints for a developer platform. Most microcontrollers weigh in at perhaps a few dozen kilobytes of RAM, and a small factor more Flash. The average amount of JavaScript in a single webpage exceeds the amount of space in most microcontrollers, including the Tessel’s Cortex-M3, which has only 200kb(!) of memory on-chip.

    The problem with running JavaScript on a target like Tessel is that every commonly used JavaScript engine has been refined and tuned for Desktop PCs, with gigabytes of RAM and fast network connections.

    LuaJIT is a combination of a few components: a parser/compiler converting Lua source into (LuaJIT’s own) bytecode, an interpreter for running this bytecode, and then a JIT (just-in-time compiler) for optimizing this bytecode into machine code at the lowest level. If you’re not familiar with a JIT, imagine a compiler that runs alongside your code, observing your code as it’s running. If it sees any loops that look intensive, are called often, and use similar types of variables on each iteration, it can bundle these assumptions up as compiler “guards” and generate low-level machine code that acts much more like C than a high level language. If, while your code is running, one of those guards fails (the variable i is no longer a number, because we suddenly assigned it to be an array!) we jump backward into interpreting your code one line at a time. This is one of many optimizations that happen while your code is running inside a VM with just-in-time compilation.

    What these guys are talking about is really interesting.
    You need a small OS footprint for these small IoT devices. What language has such a small footprint?
    I will see if I can dig it up, but I talked about JS being the OS of IoT in a Tweet…..
    Anyway, point is, the speed IoT is moving, you need an existing language so you can focus on getting stuff done, not learning the tool.
    You also need cheap, small and fast enough. You can’t pick just two, you need all three.

    Its looking more and more like JavaScript will do the job.
    I’m not sure how it will become a standard, but with guys like this working on getting it into such small low power devices, its got a solid foothold in the IoT language of choice door.

    EDIT: As if to prove my point, a few hours after I wrote this blog entry, another JavaScript engine popped up on my radar.

    Duktape is an embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability and compact footprint.

    Duktape is easy to integrate into a C/C++ project: add duktape.c and duktape.h to your build, and use the Duktape API to call Ecmascript functions from C code and vice versa.

    Main features:

    Embeddable, portable, compact;
    about 210kB code, 80kB memory, 40kLoC source (excluding comments etc)

    Duktape. Equally small and interesting as Tessels efforts.

    Small, fast, powerful. The IoT is pushing us to have all three.

  • Medical grade wearable

    Here is something that has really got my attention.


    Matteo Lai is certain he could build one of the best fitness trackers on the market. It’s just that he has no interest in making the next Fitbit. “The wearable space is so noisy,” says the CEO of Empatica, a company in Cambridge, Mass., focused on measuring human data. Technically, Lai is in the wearables business. Only instead of measuring steps and reps, the company’s newest gadget, the Embrace, gathers medical-quality data that can help its wearers predict unexpected seizures.

    Before you get too excited, I’m not prone to having seizures, so why would I be interested in this wearable?

    Like fitness-focused wearables, the device tells time and keeps tabs on metrics like physical activity and sleep. But the Embrace goes one step further, measuring its wearer’s stress levels by tracking something called electrodermal activity (EDA). EDA is essentially a measurement of the skin’s conductance; as humans get excited or stressed, the amount of sweat on their skin fluctuates. The Embrace’s sensors are able to track little changes in skin conductance and communicate via vibrations when the wearer is experiencing higher than normal levels of stress.

    Stress. Activity. Sleep. The three things that I am super interested in tracking in the quantified self.
    This is one of the few wearables that can do all three.
    The Kickstarter wearable that I have coming in April will do activity and I have another Kickstarter coming in March that does sleep, so I think I have those two covered, so its primarily the stress level that I am interested in.

    Being able to quantify the amount of stress I encounter each day would be really valuable to me. Watching for patterns and thus hopefully coming up with a strategy to better manage it would be fantastic.
    One of the hard things to do when you are stressed is to put a value on the stress level. Am I more stressed this time than last? How long am I stressed for? Putting a number on it would be very helpful (I suspect).

    Am I 200 bucks interested? We will take a few days to look at the budget and think about it.
    Oddly enough one thing I want to know is can I wear it on my upper arm or ankle? I am running out of wrist space – Yeah, you guys can stop right there!