• Category Archives Movies
  • Yet another review – slightly more colorful.

    This review is a little more…. not sure what to call it….


    Accurate? Colorful? Pointless? Dismissive?
    Clearly the guy did not think much of it… guess we will have to just wait and see what we make of it after we see it.

    (Im expecting mixed emotions about the whole thing, so dont expect an intelligent review from me hours after seeing it).

  • Actual footage

    Wired (a tech mag) scored big time, they got some actual footage from the movie that we have not seen as yet.
    (Im in it).


    Gave me major flashbacks!
    This footage is from the ‘first’ expedition meeting in the factory in Sydney, it was pretty late in the evening, around 6pm if I recall. We were in the last 2ish days push to get the sub finished and out the door and thus installed on the ship.
    This was the meeting that outlined the dive program.
    Just after this section, we were all given medical forms to fill out and advised what injections we were to get etc.

    (Thanks to Benson for the link – he’s got some major Google foo skills that can find stuff and get notified of stuff that others miss).

  • Deepsea Challenge 3D

    Here is a nice interview of Jim and some of this thoughts regarding the exploration of the deep sea and Avatar.
    Well worth the read I think;


    This is not the first time and place I have heard him mention that he is interested in doing the Avatar sequels because it gives him a platform to talk about environmental aspects that he has an interest in.
    Should be interesting to see them from just that perspective alone.

    Also the closing comments he makes…. After Avatar 4 he may go back to deep sea exploration. We have been helping one of the guys with the pilot manual for the sub, so perhaps that will get dusted off and reviewed (I don’t think any of us would do any of it exactly the same again…. Except perhaps the life support system which was well proven, stable for years and never once gave any issues) so that those that get involved in any projects Jim gets going at that time will have something to learn from. It was tough doing it from a blank sheet.

    Edit about an hour after this was posted;

    Here is another good write up;


    I guess they are going to be coming thick and fast as we lead up to the movie.

  • We have a release data.

    Well, not long now….. All this time I have been wondering (fearfully) how we (Opto) would be portrayed… Not long now and pretty much millions of people will know. I will either be put out of my misery, or be worse off.

    August 8th 2014.


    Im guessing that will be released in Australia at the same time.

    Looking again at the preview, I wonder….. I mean the system did not even make that fast ‘ding ding ding ding’ sound. It makes the single ‘ding’ when you press a button the screen. Jim was steadfast that he did not want any alarm type sounds in the sub, he wanted nothing to distract or mask the sounds of the sub. What they have done is taken a sound sample of the select button and looped it over and over very fast.
    So I really dont know…. But, in about 3 months we will know…..

    It is what it is, I will just have to somehow make peace and learn to live with what really happen and why.