Grand Canyon – Part 0

We are back!!!

Had just the most amazing 4 days. Just amazing.
Going to take some time to sort through everything and blog about it, so will break it into ‘parts’ rather than days.

Random selfie

We took a GoPro and a selfie stick…. might have overdone that aspect a little, but wanted to get me into the photo for a change. (Thats Lloyd in the background – the co-worker that put all this together – more about Lloyd in Part 1).

As of right now, roughly;
1000 miles driven.
34 miles hiked.
3 campsites.
37 pound backpack hauled – every packed item used.
Untold (at the moment) feet of elevation climbed.
1200 photos taken.
1 body shattered.
1 mind blown.

Another tease…..


Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that we made it, had a truly mind bogglingly astonishing experience and won’t be running any time soon (seriously jacked up my right IT band – aka knee/calf tendon – Got a massage booked for tomorrow night).
Back at work, back to thinking I really need to re-install the Smart Car roof (Its got to rain here at some stage!), back to the blog, back to ‘life’, but with a bit of a different outlook……

Read Part 1 here.