On the ‘newbie squeeze’.

We had the son of a friend stay with us for 2 weeks while they were away on business. We enjoyed the time with him, and like all good babysitters of teenage boys, I thought of some of the more dangerous things we could do. Sadly, at our place of late, that boils down to power kiting and riding the Goldwing. (Yeah, yeah, but lets face it, EVERY non-motorcycling parent KNOWS that motor biking is very dangerous!) We totally failed to break anything power kiting…….
So, we took him for a ride……. I have never noticed this before, but every bump and corner resulted in a squeeze of his knees on my hips, i.e. He was using every thing he could to hang on (in terror?). It was pretty neat. After a few moments, I figured what was going on, and knowing the road, started to see if the bump I knew was coming would generate a squeeze from the pillion.

Sadly(?) before I could get too excited about my new game, he started to relax and get into it, thus, the ‘newbie squeeze’ had a life of about 10 minutes.
It was fun while it lasted, but I am lot happier to have made both a new convert to the world of motorcycling, and given another parent a future headache when he hits them up to get his bike license……. Just kidding Mr R, well, about the last part anyway………

(Thats 2 for 2 now, both new pillions I have taken for a ride have declared that they want to get a bike when they are able.)