Wow. Ok. You win.

Seems I have an apology to make……. I honestly had no idea that the few readers I have were so passionate about this blog / web site.

I’m sorry for under estimating you all.

Thanks for taking the time to express your support. I really appreciate it.

As such, we dug deep and have hashed about the computers and have things running a little smoother.
I can now update my web site from my windows computer, and still edit my photos on a windows computer.
And I guess most importantly, as a result of your support, I have decided to keep things running. One way or another.

There are still a few little bugs to sort out still, but on the whole, most people are not going to notice those little things (like the Uranquinty weather cam, humming bird camera, some of the weather data pages, Temecula earthquake page etc).
I will tackle those with a different approach. There is always more than one way to get things done in the computer world.

In other news, Zim has started his 365 Project again. He is starting a new phase of his life so it fits to start it up again. We all wish him the best and look forward to seeing where 365 photos take him.

We also got a chance to look at the house again, and will blog about it once we have a little more information (the Realtor feels we should hear something this week…. we aint holding our breaths).