Hi Ben here!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Opto 22 video vault on YouTube (you did watch the Walnut video right?), I pop up my ugly face…..

Thats right, yesterday I finished editing the OptoMinute on the new energy monitoring unit (EMU).
Pretty happy with how it came up. Jean (one of the technical writers) came up with the bulk of the script, and we tweaked it for my voice / style. David then drove the teleprompter and camera for the recording. He then also taught me the basics of Adobe Premier Pro to start editing the clip. John (our graphic artist) did the illustrations and animations with a bit of tweaking by David. I did the Pulse Energy and Google PowerMeter screen grabs and got it pretty much roughed into shape. Benson and Jean gave a lot of helpful input and suggestions.
Its a real team effort, but we are all pretty happy with how it came out, I just hope that people see past the accent and are not put off by it.

We are starting work on the next video today, its going to be a more in depth look at the EMU, should come to about 6 minutes we hope. I hope to do a lot of the editing for that one as well.
Really enjoying the editing. Its really interesting how you can tweak small things and totally change the feel of the clip.

So, Matt and Garry… try and be nice with my fragile ego… you know how movie stars can get right?