• Category Archives Life in the USA
  • A quick tour……

    Its nothing like the usual quality video that I usually try and put together, but I am pushed for time, so here it is, unedited, and only sound from the video itself, here it is then, a quick video tour of the new Goldwing…….

    The rest of the family is going well. Kids are enjoying the summer break, Freddy is enjoying the 40+ temperatures.
    We are off to LA for church on Saturday. Home Saturday night after dinner. Sunday we hope to get a ride in with someone in the family, and until Dan gets some insurance, I will not be doing the loop in reverse!Work is busy, some of the calls this week have included DNA sequencers, oil drilling pump control, onion storage and automotive computer testing….. Never a dull moment.

  • A trip into the desert.

    Freddy and I have a long weekend (July 4th – Independence Day) while the kids are at camp, so we are going to go on a little bike trip to visit an Ozi mate of mine.

    We think we are going to break it up on the way there and have an overnight at some stage. On the way back we are not so sure. We were planing on doing it in one hit, but lots of people (2) have told me that its going to be hot, really, really hot (like over 45°C hot), so now I am thinking that it might be nice to break the ride home up as well, and only ride in the evenings and the mornings. Duno. Anyway, we have about 2 weeks to plan for it.

    I have ordered a GPS bracket from Amazon, should be here tomorrow and I have ordered the power cable for the bike so I don’t have to run the GPS off its batteries. It should be here Friday.
    There is not much else to do to the bike to make it ready, just a case of making Freddy and I as comfortable as possible in the heat.
    Speaking of heat, it hit 40.3°C here today. Not nice on the bike in traffic, but then its not nice in the car in traffic either at that temperature, at least the bike is quicker though the traffic than the car!

  • An unexpected danger.

    We are on day 5 of +30°C temperatures here, and so Freddy and I have been sleeping with the window open. Since it cools down at night, its been pleasant enough, and has saved running the air-con unit.

    Last night…. well, actually, 2am this morning, we discovered an unexpected danger of sleeping with the window open, we both woke up at the same time feeling rather ill……….. A skunk had sprayed somewhere down in the garden and the smell wafted up and thats what had woken us up. You know its a good smell when two people are woken at that hour, and feeling ill at the same time. (Dave W eat your heart out, not even you can do that!).
    We tried putting up with it, Freddy looked out the window for a while, she really wants to see one, but in the end, it won out, we shut the window and went back to hot sleep.
    Hopefully its not a common event, be a shame to have to run the air-con just to filter the air!

  • A fathers day to remember.

    The Americans have fathers day at a different time of year from us. It was on June 15th this year. In a lot of ways, it does not matter when it is for me, because this year, I had a day that will not be beat by any others fathers day………

    Woke up at a sane hour for a change. Usual breakfast on my own, checked email, had a really nice one from a customer that is fast becoming a friend and some spam from Amazon.
    Got dressed, kissed a sleepy wife and snuck out the apartment so as not to wake the kids.
    Get the gear on, zip tie the GPS to the handle bars (need to order the bracket from Amazon this week) and we were ready to go.

    I had decided that I wanted to ride a road that I had driven some time back, its a really technical road, it would give me a chance to get to know the bike at low speed, always a good idea to start slow and build some confidence I think……
    Anyway, the road was all I remembered it and more on a bike. Its some bike. It stops and goes with gusto! Being a dead end road, it was not long before I was looking at the GPS to extend the ride (its not often you get told to ‘go and ride for at least 3 hours’!).
    I poked around some back roads just minding my own business when I came across a dead end with a nice view (though a fence, which is rare). Stopping to take some photos of the bike I came to hear a helicopter. I could not see it, which was odd, helicopters are normally in the sky?
    Time to get riding, so off I set in search of roads that would give me a chance to bond with the bike……. I end up in one section on a bald hill, looking down at a helicopter that was hovering in front of a house built on the side of a cliff. The pilot spots me, and its game on. He heads my way and starts chasing me along the road. Well, ok, perhaps more follow, but chase sounds a lot more interesting. He followed me for about 30 seconds before breaking off and getting back to the house. It was pretty exciting, and rather bizarre.

    From there, it just got better. I will get my little video camera mounted and take you for a ride. Its a super loop that has lots of interesting stuff on it.

    Home to chat with the kids, home made mini pizzas for lunch, a nap, then off to Wall-Mart to get a pantry cupboard for Freddy, put it together, and then its time for dinner. I picked real Ozi burgers, nice feed. Then, as the sun was going down, the wind had dropped and the temperature had become more bearable, Freddy and I headed off to take her on the loop that I had enjoyed.
    The intercom worked a treat, and we had a great ride. Freddy likes the bike, but would like it better if it did not lean around corners. (I’m not ready for a trike anytime soon, so she will hopefully get used to it!).
    The twilight vistas from the hill tops were fantastic. The highlight of the ride for both of us was when a coyote came out onto the road and walked toward the bike before heading back into the bush. We both got a good look at him and it was really neat to see one in the wild.

    It takes just under an hour to do the loop, and I look forward to taking each of the kids on the same road, and then doing it in reverse with every one. (It really is a cool road!).
    I think Freddys even looking forward to going to Phoenix on the bike now, its a LOT more comfortable for back seat passengers (so I am told by Terry and Freddy).

    So, that was my Fathers day, it was fantastic, a day ride, getting chased by helicopters, a night ride with the wife, seeing a coyote, good food and a snooze in the middle.

    Going to be hard to beat that one!