• Category Archives Life in the USA
  • Plans for the long weekend.

    Its a long weekend here…..ok, ok, holiday weekend. (I might get used to calling it that some time…. Or not). The occasion is Labor day. We have Monday off, its a rare event, so after going back and forth and around and around, the family decided that they did not want to do any thing, or go anywhere…… So, I thought it would be the perfect chance to explore some more back roads and show some of the family some of the ground I have covered.
    Saturday night is the Palomar Star Party. I am thinking about taking a run up there on the bike (I think that road would be amazing at night on the Goldwing) to get some photos of the guys and scopes under the stars. This is to contrast last month were I drove up with the car and had a pretty average 4 hour sesion. I am thinking of sticking with my usual star-scape type photos and want to go back to try it.
    So, that might be ride number one, its the one in the most doubt at the moment.
    Sunday, Freddy’s friend is heading down about 11am for a vist and sleepover, so I was going to go for a ride with Freddy in the morning, but she is undecided about that one.
    If she pulles out. I will take the fork springs out on Sunday morning and change the fork oil as best as I can from the top (ie, dont take the front wheel off and drain them from the bottom).
    Sunday afternoon/evening I hope to do a ~3 hour run with one of the kids.
    Then Monday morning, if someone will get up with me, we will have a crack at the following trip………
    Labor day route
    If no one will get up MOnday morning, I will head off on my own.
    Its pretty similar start and end to AWR #1. The main difference is the extension at Julian. I have read some nice things about Mt Laguna, so would like to check it out.
    According to Google Maps, its a 5 hour, 231 mile (371km) round trip.
    I should think that I will take a bit longer to do that since I want to try and force myself to stop and take photos more often. (Its a constant battle I have (note the comment on that link, 6th sentance down from 2 years ago), to stop and take photos, I just want to ride! You get in the grove and not even food will stop you (Just ask Mr Meat Pies aka Gary, about eating on the ‘Wing)).
    Anyway, they are the three rides I have planed. Not sure how many will get done, I hope the Monday one at the very least.
    The Sunday one has not been planed as yet, it depends on who comes with me and when.

    So, I think that sets a new blog record….. the blog with the most number of links in it.

  • My American Bulge

    My life style here is pretty much the same as it was at home; motorbike to work, sit around at work, motorbike home, sit around at home.
    Sure, I was a little more active at work at the hospital, but only a little.
    Anyway, never having owned a set of scales, I can not say how much I weighed in Australia, I just know that I weigh more here because I can see it.
    I have, in 5 months, got the ‘little’ pot thing happening pretty clearly……….
    We are eating much the same, Freddy is cooking all our meals. I can only put it down to two things;
    1. I am coming home for lunch, so I am eating better at lunch time.
    2. Despite the fact that Freddy is still preparing our meals, the basic ingredients are loaded with more sugar.
    3. I am drinking more.

    So, the alarm is back to the same as it was in Australia, I am getting up at 4:30 am each morning and that affords me the time to go to the apartment complex gym from 6am to 6:30am and have some one-on-one time with the treadmill.
    It is a computer motor thing, and it seems pretty good. You put your age and weight (there are some scales in the gym at Opto 22, so I know what I weigh now) and it has heart rate sensors built in. What it does then is, using your heart rate, it changes the speed and incline of the treadmill to keep your heart rate in the ‘zone’.
    Its nice for two reasons. 1. You dont have to worry about dogs or cars and that sort of thing if you were walking in the streets, and 2. Its relentless. It gets your heart rate up and it keeps it there.
    The sad thing is, at the end of the 26 minute sweat soaked work out, it tells me that I have only burnt 200 calories……. so, I have given up my ‘stout-a-day’ habit.
    Shame really, but my self esteem is slowly getting better….. Its only been 2 weeks, Im sure in time my pot will get the hint its no longer welcome……….

  • Music to your ear.

    I think its been going on for about the past 3-4 months, but its just now really started to annoy me…….
    Ring some ones mobile phone, and straight away, a female (VERY American) voice says, ‘Please enjoy the music until your party answers the phone’.
    They then proceed to blast very loud distorted music in your ear for the next little while……. I’m told that the owner gets to pick which music they want from a list. So you just get a little repeating sample of the song that the phone owner thinks is ‘cute’ on the day.
    Given the loud and distorted volume, which is a total mis-match to the persons voice or voice mail (when / if they answer the phone), I find it all rather annoying.
    What happen to phones that go ‘ring ring’?? (And don’t need 248 Mb upgrades every other day).

  • Camp out weekend.

    Just back from the church camp out weekend.
    Some did the tent thing, some did the cabin thing. Not having tents, we cabined it with friends and family. Not a lot of sleep, but lots of fun.
    Im a little stiff and sore from rock climbing, was a beautiful location (just north of Idyllwild) so it was good for the soul (if not for the mussels).
    Photos are here.

    Not a whole lot else happening. Training at work this week. I am going to be busy taking the calls that Tom normally would. I’m also trying to polish up the two presentations that I do for the training groups.

    The kids are back at school today, its the first day of their first full year of school in America. They both seem really positive and keen to make it a good year (Still weird starting the year in August).

    Freddy is going to go down to the DMV and see if there is any news on her drivers license.

    That brings you up to date……. Except the weather software issue is still unresolved…….

  • After work ride, number two.

    Wow, oh wow. It was fantastic!
    We left right on time and as I hinted in this blog, we went north to Hemet. Taking the back way, the traffic was really good (i.e very little for that time of day). Its a bit of a grind through the back blocks of Hemet with 4 way stops and lights impeding our progress. It also was a pretty hot, 36C (97F).
    1 hour almost to the minute we broke free of Hemet and started up the mountain. Corners, lots and lots of corners. I missed my photo opportunity, the sign that says curves for the next 28 miles. Its actually 37, but I guess it differs depending on where you start and stop counting the miles of corners.
    This road was built by bikers! The curves are perfect, nicely banked and just the right radius.
    We have managed to grind the foot peg bolts down to nothing and started eating into the rubber. Will have to see about changing the bolts for something a little tougher soon.
    Before long you hit the 25mph limit of Idyllwild. Thankfully its not too long before you are out the other side and start again.
    No high speed stuff (from me anyway, I understand that it can get a bit crazy up there on the weekend with all the heroes on their crotch rockets), just smooth. This bike is just so smooth. Love the power and torque of the big flat six. Forget about changing gears, 4th or 5th is all thats required. There is no lugging in either, it just pulls a little less strong in top at those speeds. Leaving it in the one gear means that you are not up and down in speed all the time, and you a just less busy, it also means that you can leave your left foot on top of the peg and so can flip the bike from side to side very quickly and, here is that word again, smoothly.
    Before long we were at Banning eating corn chips and having a little road side refresh.
    10 minutes latter we were off again to do it all in reverse.
    Its always a different road in reverse. You get to see all the things you missed the first time.
    With the sun setting, both Amy and I oooo and aahhhh’ed the way back. The colors of the rocks, the pine trees, the corners, the temperature, it all was just about perfect.
    We decided that neither of us wanted to spoil the ride with 4 way stops (have I mentioned how much I dislike those things?), so we went the back way, and what a fine choice.
    The road opens up and you can put the cruise control on at 70mph (112kp/h), sit back and relax……. Well, a little, there were deer warning signs every few miles, so I was in kangaroo mode and keeping a very close eye out for things beside the road.
    As the high beam went on, Amy requested some Armin Van Buuren from the CD player, I was only too happy to comply.
    All the way up Amy and I had been chatting, its one of the things I love about taking the kids on the bike. They have nothing to do so they talk. I love listening to them chat away about all sorts of things.
    Once Armin kicked in, the bike went quite. Very quite.
    I patched him through the speakers and turned it up loud.
    It was one of the best times on a bike. Ever.
    The twilight colors in the sky, very little traffic, house lights dotted through the desert, a perfect temperature, the nearly full moon throwing our shadow onto the side of the road, we both slipped easily into a state of trance.
    And so we rode the last miles home.

    After Work Ride number two. (Photos here). Going to be hard to top it, but I am looking forward to trying.