• Category Archives Movies
  • Watching a movie with Terry.

    Last year we gave Terry an iTouch… to be totally correct, we gave Terry an ipod itouch…. Anyway, as you may know you can surf the web on it. The Safari browser is actually pretty good, but don’t get me started about the merits of the different web browsers.
    Point is, he can surf the web, and as mentioned in the past, he is pretty good at getting answers for very little work….. this now has extended to watching movies with him and his itouch…….

    It goes something like this………. “Wow, that’s a nice looking car just now, wonder what it is?”
    5-8 seconds latter, Terry pipes up with the answer.

    “Ooo, check out that guys watch, I wonder what that sells for?”
    5-8 seconds latter, Terry pipes up with the answer.

    “See that guy in the back, what other movies has he been in?”
    5-8 seconds latter, Terry pipes up with the answer.

    And so on. Its like watching two or more movies at the same time. I have not decided if I like it or not, however at least now I KNOW that I can not afford the car or the watch!

  • Transform my money and time.

    According to Netflix we have watched around 170 movies in about 6 months….. Some of you have noted that the movie reviews section of this blog have dried up… yeah, I was not sure that you all would ‘enjoy’ or ‘endure’ that many reviews.
    There is one exception, Transformers 2.
    But, before I say anything about that, let me say this….. the guys and girls at work are all movie fans / buffs. We talk movies on and off at times usually 2-3 times a week one way or another. I am getting a bit of a reputation for enjoying off the wall movies, you know, not your typical Hollywood puppy mill stuff…. I am trying not to become a snob about anything I watch, but now and then there are exceptions. Yesterday was one of them.

    We (B.R.A.T) all enjoyed Transformers 1. We own it on DVD, indeed, we watched it a few days ago knowing that we would be going to the movies some time over the July 4th long weekend. That’s how much we like it. Enough to own it and watch it often.

    Sadly, it seems that they fell into the trap of thinking if a little is good, then a LOT more has to be a LOT better.
    Sadly no. It was garbage. From the opening scene to the end. No laughs, very little engagement, just explosions, crass ‘jokes’ and lame exploitation of the lead’s breasts and butt. A kids movie it is not. How in the world did it get a PG13 rating?
    Many a time there were great chunks of time were there was no dialog due to the explosions. Just one after the other after the other.
    Throwing more robots at us also is not the answer. Throwing bigger robots at us is not the answer. It just gets boring. There is only so much you can take of something that has no personality or changes its mood constantly.
    Did we really need to see the guys butt with a G-String wedged up it? Did we really need to see the girls panties with the robot tail? Did we need to see the girl with the robot tongue? Did we need the ‘joke’ of the robot humping the girls leg? Did we really need the shot of the two dogs humping? Did we need to have it twice? Can a person really fall 300 feet onto concrete and get up running? Did we really need the scene with the mom eating hash cookies? Have we not learned that the kissing scene with the setting sun has been done to death? Oh, and when CPR fails, just get the girl to lean over the dead guy and whisper that she loves him, guaranteed way to bring him back from the dead…. Paleezzz…..

    Its one of the few movies I have seen in the past year that I have genuinely felt robed of both my time and money.
    My advice if you are thinking of going to see it……. wait till its on TV, the ads will help break the boredom.

    0.5 out of five stars.

  • Movies.

    What a lazy Sunday.
    Terry and I went for an explore ride up around the loop. Found lots of amazingly expensive houses and some good views, some of the roads were nice enough, but none as clean and exciting as the main loop. (Hey, had a bunch of fun looking!).
    Came home and sat around and watched 3 movies.
    Star Wars; The Clone Wars. It was pretty bad. Even Terry was dissapointed.
    The animation is really for TV, and the age group has plumeted. It is now aimed at 3-4 year olds. The jokes are very basic and repeated 2-3 times in different ways so that we can be sure the little ones have got it.
    Sweeny Todd. Lots of ‘blood’ and singing. Beautifuly shot, but still, way to close to the whole Romeo and Julliet for me.
    Whos your monkey, AKA Throwing Stars. Fantastic. By far the best of the lot by a HUGE margin. Witty, sharp, well acted and pacey. 4 mates who are really closer than family.

    The whole Sunday thing here still needs some tweaking as far as I am concerned, but when it kicks off with a ride…..well, who am I to complain to much about what comes after that???
    Next weekend is a long holiday weekend,  so I am hoping for 2 rides, if I can pull it off, I want to get three in, watch this space and I will let you know how I go!

  • The Dark Knight.

    Watched the dark knight last night……… There is two and a bit hours of my life I would like to get back………
    Its down there with the worst 10 movies ever, down there with Wall.E, Sphere, Happy Feet, Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2 and 3 and well past  Ultraviolet.

    Twisted dark plot that never really went any where. Two stunts in the whole movie. Endless monologue about good, bad and chaos.

    I was mildly bored by the constant parallel that it ran with the last Star Wars. It was like they could not think of anything original….. getting burnt, losing the love of your life, turning to the dark side at the flip of a coin, hurting / killing woman and kids.
    Batmans girlfriend looked old enough to be his mother, it caused me to squirm when he kissed her on the lips. Gross.
    Constant pointless killing right from the start. Batman ticking off those that helped make him. Least the way it ended it looks like they have killed it off. It will never resurface to be a patch on the first one.

    Anyway, all in all, really lame and very boring long pointless movie.