5 years ago today, I started at Opto.
Its also the first day for Jeff, our new videographer.
Super excited to have him onboard.
Here is an oldish demo reel http://vimeo.com/32028232 to give you all a bit of an idea of his tallent.
Really excited to be working with Jeff and looking forward to taking Opto videos to a whole new level (as you can already get a hint at with the groov videos Jeff has been cranking out).
While we are on the topic of photoy stuff…..
I got to shoot with Amy for the first time in what must be over a year…..
Im really excited about. At long last we are seeing some response to the outcry of photographers. We DON’T want more mega pixels, we want low light and thus low noise!
Canon has stepped up to the plate with this new sensor.
True, it will probably see first light in security cameras and astro cameras, but I bet it will take exactly zero seconds before someone buys one and takes ‘normal’ photos with it and it will be amazing.
With that, I hope we will see its migration into more standard DSLR applications and what photographers around the world hope will be a slowing of the stupid pixel count bloat and a return to useful cameras.
I got some new software for my camera… This probably deserves a blog entry all on its own as you can imagine if Im running it, its not your usual software and not exactly Canon approved….That said, its amazing. Just astonishing what these guys have managed to do. For me, its like getting 3-4 new cameras all in one hit.
Probably an even better way to tell you how amazing this stuff is… your sitting down right?….. is by telling you I printed out the ~40 page manual for it… Yeah. Probably the first time in …..oh…. I want to say 10 or more years that I have done that… Yeah, this software is amazing and a little complicated in the sense that it really pushes what the camera can do and a lot of the functions are interlinked, so you really need to keep track of what does what.
Ok, that was a long preamble.
Bottom line. The software has a time laps function.
If you have been keeping track, you know that this is something that interests me a great deal…. I probably should dig up the first couple I did from the roof our place in Buninyong with a web cam stuffed in a box with a bit of glass hot glued on the front as a window… but I digress…..
The new software is pretty clever, it takes the first photo and analyzes the image and then tries ramp the shutter speed and ISO setting to keep things nice and even.
When we went out, I had some trouble setting the reference image, so it shot all the other frames a bit bright, but anyway, here are the results.
There are some comments at the bottom of the video you might find helpful.
I know its not the best, but I learned a great deal and am looking forward to going out there again and will make a few changes.
So consider this an engineering release rather than art.
Oh, and it was taken at Freddy and I’s favorite spot, Indian Springs.
Had a great shoot with a co-worker last weekend.
Just about finished doing the post processing on them.
Check them out in the studio album on the photos page.
So, I am up for air enough to post my last two 365 photos on Facebook.
Nice thought. FAIL!
It seems that Facebook is very grumpy that I have tried to log in from the other side of the planet.
Very suspicious, same computer, same email, same password, yep, sounds suspicious to me!
Fine, I lived just fine with out you Facebook for the longest time. I insolently thought I would use you to keep a few friends and family in touch with my trip, but it seems that you are intent on simply fueling my hate for you all the more.
Or perhaps it was because I watched ‘The Social Network’ on the plane on the way over?
Either way, I am posting my 365 photos in my photo album on my site, along with a few others that I might (hope?) take of the trip….. My web site admin does not mind that I am uploading photos from a little further away than normal.