• Kites

    Been wanting to get back into flying my kites some more for a long time.

    Not quite sure how it all came together, but walking though Rays Tent City we saw a tent pole that looked about right for the main spar on my 4 string home made ‘Revolution’ kite.
    Its a little heavy, but we are back flying it. Took Terry up to the oval a week latter and gave him a bash at it. Took the usual few moments to wrap his head around 4 strings, but he got there pretty quick.
    Hes got the bug. Should have seen his face light up when it caught the wind and gave him a little tug.

    I have always wanted to get into power kiting and buggy’s, so now that the boy has the bug and we can do it together I bought a 4 meter kite off Ebay, should arrive this week…..watch this space…….

  • Fog and Moonbows

    I love riding in fog. Not the full blown pea soup sort….thats never nice, mostly because people do silly things in it, they drive on the road with their hazards flashing, they drive half off the road with their right indicator flashing, they drive with their high beam on…..if they just all drove down the road like normal but at a safe and steady speed, there would be no problem…..but I digress.

    The sort of fog I love is the one that hangs about 20 meters off the road. It looks like a soft roof. I want to stand on the seat of my bike and run my fingers though it. I like how each dam you pass has a pillar of fog over it, like the roof of fog is connected to the earth though them.
    I just had a look though the first 10 pages of image results from Google and there is not a photo of the sort I am talking about.
    I have often though about mounting a camera on the bike, its times like this that I get thinking some more about the best way to do this.
    Moonbows. Freddy and I had to drive into town on Tuesday night to pick up the papers. Normally Amy and I go, its nice father and daughter time, but for some reason Freddy was with me. We came around the corner just after the Buninyong golf course, and there in the sky was a beautiful white moonbow.
    It had been raining moments before, there were clouds in front of us, they had broken behind us and the full moon was shining bright.
    It was a special moment for us, it was Freddys first, my second and it was great to share it with her.

    Keep your eye out for them, they are pretty neat looking.

  • Thinking out side the box, take 2

    Had the chance to catch up with an old friend on the weekend, Tony and I go way way back.
    Some how it came up that the younger generation is not as switched on as the conditions they are growing up in should allow.
    Tony mentioned that they had a guest speaker come in and talk about “Generation Y” (Broadly speaking, those under 30).
    He was able to shed some light on my ‘thinking out of the box’ concerns, it would seem that my read and repair experiences are not isolated. Tony gave some over views from the guest speaker, Gen Y’ers are hard to get into the job interview unless there is something in it for them (ie free lunch). Once in the interview room, the bulk of the questions from them are about what the wage is, what the perks are, what the car is they will be given and so on. Once in the job, they want lots of flexibility and freedom to change the job to suit their lifestyle. According to the guest speaker, a lot of comanys are waking up to this, and looking for older people to employ, ie, people they can rely on to get the job done.
    This web site here, has a great summery with what we are seeing.
    This pretty much is the same angle I am seeing in the technical world. Those following behind us don’t feel the need to fix anything, just throw it out and buy another is their mantra. They feel they are so computer savvy, if the computer is broken, and they cant fix it in 5 minutes, then its clearly so broken as to be useless, again, toss it out and get another. Technology has laid the world at their feet, they feel its unnecessary to work at too much for long, things come easy to them, why should they have to think too long on any one subject.

    Speaking with my school teacher friend about things on the same line, she was saying how she has to break her classes into 20 minute chunks, any longer on one task and she has lost the class. They simply can not sit still and think for longer than 20 minutes, they would rather brag about how they can do three things at one. The trouble is, the three things are shallow and of little lasting value.

    Anyway, I think I have made my concerns pretty clear. It was just interesting to hear from a different angle the things that I have only just resonantly started to see in my very small world………..

    I suspect I will come back to this topic from a “where is the world going to end up when these people come to power”  angle. Time, as usual, will tell.

  • Satellite tracking is back up and running…

    I think the subject says it all really…..There were a few settings I had wrong, and now that I have fixed them, it seems to be going better than ever. I never could have got a fix in my driveway before!
    Now that its working (well, to be sure, I want to give it a few days worth of riding first), I am keen to see what I can do to support the network and the people behind it…..these digital modes are very interesting.

    Look on the menu under Goldwing for a link to it. (Call me old fashion, but I’m not too keen to put the link in here….hey, I like to make people work to use the web…..I keep telling my son, you only learn by working it out for yourself….).

  • Iris and focus…..

    Tonight I adjusted the iris and tweaked the focus.
    eta carinae

    Here you see one of my favorite patches of the sky, Eta Carinae.
    Its looking a little worse for ware since it was football practice night, and this patch of the sky is due south, and due south looks over the oval flood lights. While I have a dew / light shield over the front of the scope, its not long enough to cut out the reflections of these lights. They only practice Thursday nights for a few hours, so its not enough to really throw it all off.

    Still, not bad for a free telescope. It’s still my primary scope. The 4” can not see anywhere near as deep as this set up. I am still planing on putting the 4” into a housing and putting it on the roof as well / in place of this one.

    Anyway, just a short note to say its back up and running and adjusted about the best it can be.